What Is Pilonidol Sinus?
It is the tract like ostula but mostly having single opening situated at socral area. It is the sinus where hairs(present) get embedded inside it so it is called pilonoidol (pilus-hairs, pidol-nest)
How Rectal Prolapse Occurs?
- As the hair plays important role so hairy persons who are having excessive hairs around the anus
- In barbors it may occurs in between finger due to repeated contact with hairs.
How It Occurs?
- Minor ulceration get aggievated due to irrigation by hairs and somehow hair get entry into the ulcerated wound and remains as a foreign body creating the sinus.
What Are The Symptoms?
- Pain : Severe pain when discharge get accumulated in the sinus.
- Discharge : Purulent discharge sometimes mixed with blood from sinus soising the under cloths.